Guest House

Procedure for Guest House Booking:

Booking requests must be made through an official communication (either by email or by letter) from the concerned department/institution.

Oral/telephonic requests must be followed by an official communication.

Personal stays will only be allowed under exceptional circumstances with prior approval from the Director.

Guests should submit a booking request ideally at least 7 days in advance. Provide details such as name, designation, ID card number, purpose of visit, details of accompanying persons, if any, duration of stay in Guest House, and contact details in the format provided in Form-1 (GHF-1).

Confirmation of booking will be communicated via email.

Walk-in accommodation is generally not provided but may be considered under special circumstances subject to room availability and approval from the Guest House Manager, Director, ICMR-NITM. In that case, too, the guests have to submit GHF-1.

All Guest House allotees must produce a Government ID card at Main Gate and/or at the Check-In.


For application download form here:

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