Intramural Projects

Sr. NoPIProject TitleRAC approval year
1Dr Chandan, Scientist B, ICMR-NITMEpidemiological and Clinical Profile of Suspected Snake Bite Cases in Government Health Care Centres In Raichur and Belagavi Districts: A Retrospective Record-Based Study of 3 Years.2023
2PHFI, Bengaluru in collaboration with MRHRUClinical Survey On Goitre Prevalence Among School Children And Estimation Of Iodine Level In Salt And Urine In Rural Areas Of Haveri And Uttara Kannada District.2023
3Dr Phaniraj Vastrad, Scientist C (Medical) MRHRU, SirwarDevelopment and Validation of a Health-Related Quality of Life Questionnaire for Patients with Snakebite (SB-QoLS)2023
4Dr. A. K. BahadurMicrobiological investigation into the resurgence of diphtheria in Raichur district 2017
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